Year 3 - Blwyddyn 3
Welcome to our Class Page!
Croeso i'n Tudalen Dosbarth!
Spring Term 2025 | Tymor Y Gwanwyn 2025
During the Spring Term Blwyddyn 3 will be studying the following topic:
Welsh Myths and Legends
Humanities & Language, Literacy and Communication
In this project the learners will be:
Exploring popular and well-known Welsh Myths and Legends
Learn how myths and legends help us learn about life in the past
Researching and learning about the history of each myth
Create a timeline, looking at special date/events and significant men and women
Locating and identifying key areas in Wales
Online safety
Find and use useful websites to collect information
Collecting data and presenting information.
Looking at different Welsh foods and complete simple cooking activities
Exploring different religions, contrasting and comparing two different religions
Research the old Welsh instruments that would have been played, listening to them and comparing them to modern instruments.
Recognise how musical elements are used/combined to describe different myths. Use their voices expressively by singing songs & speaking chants & rhymes.
Design cards. Design patterns for tapestries. Draw an image of Blodeuwedd, collect flowers to dry and then glue these or you could use colouring pencils and paint.
Design a new Welsh flag and present in a variety of media.
Create pictures from their imagination on what they think the Lady in the Lake would look like.
Create work for Saint David’s day to include some detail from the myth/legend read
Learners will present their work giving commentary on their favourite myth/legend to include examples of what they did (work). Presentations to be recorded using the iPad and Seesaw.
Learners/Peers will ask and answer questions about the work
Learning Welsh and French vocabulary so that they can talk about themselves and others in Welsh and French
Work on Chemistry – Fossils & Soil, exploring fossils, fossil formation, explore soil, learn the importance of soil, recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.
Working scientifically – Setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests. Measuring which soil absorbs the most water.
Further Information
Homework Tasks will be set either on our Google Classroom (Google for Education “Blwyddyn 3 2024-2025”) or paper copies given, to be completed in homework books. Each homework task is explained to the pupils and should be completed independently as it is reinforcement of the tasks completed in school during the week.
English, Maths or Topic homework will be given on a Friday and should be returned by Monday.
Spelling or Multiplications Tables - every week on a Monday (test on Friday)
Times tables need to be revised every night.
Poem of the Week, on google classroom to be read every week.
Reading should be carried out regularly at home
Reading Books
Reading books are to be returned daily. Please write in your child’s record book if they have read to you at home. The children will also have the opportunity to borrow books from the library and these must be returned weekly. Our class library day will be a Tuesday every week.
PE will take place every Tuesday. Pupils are asked to arrive to school wearing their PE clothes.
Healthy School
Learners are encouraged to bring water bottles (containing only water) to drink throughout the day, this can be refilled during playtimes and dinner times.
We have a fruit tuck shop where learners can purchase fruit for morning play if they wish (30p per day or £1.50 for the week). Learners are encouraged to go to the fruit shop to buy their own fruit.
Thank you once again for all your continued support.
Diolch yn fawr.
Mrs S Phillips