Dafen Primary School
Pupil Development Grant Statement 2023-2024
The Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low-income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (e-FSM) and pupils who have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months (LAC)
Schools are expected to make the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about change for learners eligible for free school meals or who are LAC.
As a school we have agreed the following steps:
To identify the target groups of pupils, its characteristics and needs.
To plan interventions and make the most effective use of resources.
To monitor and evaluate the impact of interventions.
In 2023-2024 Dafen Primary School were provided with a PDG allocation of £60,950 and Early Years PDG of £11,500
At Dafen Primary School we have a comprehensive plan, agreed and monitored by Carmarthenshire County Council to promote progress and remove barriers to learning for pupils eligible for this funding.
We have used the available funding to:
To provide quality intervention support for learners across KS2 in Talkabout to FSM and Non FSM learners to improve their social and emotional wellbeing, but also Literacy and Numeracy skills.
To provide Nurture provision to FSM learners from Year 3 to Year 6, focusing on development of real-life skills using Nurture principles to support learners social and emotional, as well as academic progress.
To provide Emotional Literacy support for FSM learners to support their social and emotional skills, as well as developing their Literacy skills.
Foundation Phase support staff classroom and intervention structure.
To improve resources in the outdoor learning areas to promote effective skills development for learners across Literacy, Numeracy and ICT and Science. To achieve greater engagement in learning in the outdoors.
To ensure that all learners in the Foundation Phase can access CHATT and any additional intervention to support their social and emotional wellbeing, as we as their Literacy skill development.