School Council / Cyngor Ysgol
What is a School Council?
A School Council comprises a group of pupils who are elected by the other members of their class. They are representatives for their class and take on whole school issues. They discuss, share and make decisions with their class and can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.
Who are our School Councillors?
Blwyddyn 3
Blwyddyn 4
Blwyddyn 5
Blwyddyn 6
What do our School Councilliors do?
As School Councillors we carry out the following:
Represent our class
Discuss issues which are important to our class and to the school
Represent and contribute to ‘Pupil Voice’ in school
Voice opinions and have views taken into taken into account which impact upon the school
Meet guests and visitors