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Nursery - Meithrin

Welcome to our class page!

Summer Term 1

During our Summer Term 1, our enquiry question is “What food comes from farms?”.  We will explore many questions weekly across all areas of learning to find out more about where food comes from and what living things need to grow.  What are seeds?  How do plants grow?  How do farmers care for animals?  Where does bread come from?  


We will have several cookery sessions this half-term to make bread and soup.  Work in our Nursery allotment will be ongoing through the Summer.  We plan to plant potatoes and peas.  We have beds of raspberries and strawberries that need tending.  We will grow our own bean plants and sunflowers.  We will learn about living/non-living things and what all living things need to grow.  


For our Gwaith Mawr project we plan to create and produce our own Nursery Family Cookbook with help from our families.  Proceeds from our cookbooks will be used to further enhance the Nursery allotment and garden.  

Snack Time / Amser Snac

Just a reminder, snack is £1 per week.  This can be paid weekly or termly.  Snack is an important part of the daily routine in the Nursery and supports many skills.  We provide a wide variety of foods for our learners to experience.  This money also allows for ingredients so we can have cookery sessions.  It also enables us to provide extra messy sensory play experiences.  

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