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Foundation Class 2 - Dosbarth Sylfaen 2

Welcome to our class page!

Summer 2024


During the Summer term Dosbarth Sylfaen 2 will be studying the following topic:



Learners will develop their investigation skills through answering the enquiry question

Will it Degrade? 

  • Children will observe the differences between the degradable properties of alive, dead and never alive materials when they are placed in a jar of salty water 

  • Children will make a salty solution to mimic sea water and fill 6 jars.  

  • They will place a different material into each jar such as metal, wood, plastic, rubber, fabric, glass and organic matter 

  • Every day the children will shake the jars to mimic the motion of the waves and observe changes to the materials 

  • At the end of the investigation, the children will sieve the contents of the jars and examine what is left of the material.



Further Information



Spelling lists will be given on a Friday and are to be learnt for a spelling test the following week.

A home-school task will be given during the term.

Reading Books

Your child has been allocated a ‘Reading Day.’ Please ensure books are returned to school on a regular basis.

Library Books

The children will choose a book from the library every Friday. This should be returned to school the following Friday in order that the book can be changed.


PE will take place every Tuesday. Pupils are asked to arrive to school wearing their PE clothes. 

Thank you once again for all your continued support. 

Diolch yn fawr.

National Tests Support

Year 2




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