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Foundation Class 2 | Dosbarth Sylfaen 2

Welcome to our Class Page | Croeso i'n Tudalen Dosbarth

Spring Term 2025 | Tymor Y Gwanwyn 2025

Get ready to journey back in time, uncover hidden secrets, and discover the mighty legends of our past! We’ll be exploring towering turrets, daring knights, and the fascinating stories of how castles have changed through the ages. Join us as we embark on our thrilling new topic…

Castle Chronicles_edited.png


Spring Term's 'Big Question'...

'Have local castles changed over time?'



During the Spring term, we will be…

  • Writing castle adventure stories.

  • Creating fact files about kings and queens.

  • Looking at castles in Wales, the UK and the World.

  • Creating and measuring our own castles.

  • Creating our own flags and exploring the story of the Welsh flag.

  • Timelining Kings and Queens in history.

  • Celebrating St David’s Day, Dydd Miwsig Cymru and Dydd Santes Dwynwen.

  • Investigating which liquid melts ice the quickest.

  • Focusing on dance during PE, exploring different movements and styles.  

  • Creating artwork in the style of Paul Klee – Castle and Sun.

  • A focus on number, addition and subtraction, shape and measure in maths.

  • Engaging in coding using beebots.

  • Singing, dancing and performing during our Eisteddfod celebrations.

  • Reading a range of different books and stories about castles, Kings and Queens.

  • Visiting local castles in Wales.

Further Information​

Reading Books

  • Reading books and/or read, write, inc flash cards have been sent home with your child. Reading books, reading records and flash cards can be brought to school on allocated days. Reading and practising sounds with your child every day (even just for 10 minutes) will have a great impact on progress.



  • PE will take place every Wednesday. Pupils are asked to arrive to school wearing their PE clothes (t-shirt, joggers, trainers, etc). There will not be an opportunity to change in school.


Snack Time

  • The cost of daily snack is £1 per week. This can be paid weekly or termly (£1 a week, £7 for the next half-term or £13 for the next full term). We use any money raised (following the purchase of snack) to purchase different resources for class, for crafting, baking, etc.

  • Learners are also encouraged to bring water bottles (containing only water) to drink throughout the day.


Outdoor Learning

  • Outdoor learning is a large part of our school curriculum, and we plan to spend a lot of time learning outdoors. Should you wish for your child to change their footwear, then please send appropriate outdoor footwear (e.g. wellies) into school in a labelled bag. This can be left in school on your child’s peg. This is optional and not required.


Jumpers and Clothing

  • Please ensure all jumpers, cardigans and clothing are labelled clearly with your child’s name. We understand how expensive uniform can be and hope to avoid anything going missing.


Spelling Tests

  • Spelling tests will now take place every Friday (starting date TBC). Spelling words will be sent home every Friday for a test the following Friday. Practising these high frequency words will have a great impact on reading and writing skills.

Reading Eggs

  • All learners now have a home login for our new app 'Reading Eggs'. Please continue to use and engage with the app at home to support your child's reading, phonics and spelling skills. 


Please keep an eye on Piota (as well as Twitter and our school website) for any updates, messages and information. Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Diolch yn fawr,

​Mr Patterson and Miss Rees

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