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Foundation Class 1 - Dosbarth Sylfaen 1

Welcome to our class page!

This half-term our topic is ‘Castle Chronicles’ As part of this topic we will be;

Listening to a range of traditional and modern stories. Our Focus Books are;

  • There was an Old Dragon who Swallowed a Knight by Penny Parker Klostermann

  • The Story of Santes Dwynwen

  • Ruby’s Birds by Mya Thompson

  • A Garden to Save the Birds by Wendy McClure

  • Bird Count by Susan Edwards Richmond

  • Ruby’s Chinese New Year

  • Dragons in the City

  • The Chinese New Year Race

  • DigiDuck Saves the Day

  • The Sound of Kindness by Amy Ludwig

We will be;

  • Exploring castles past and present, looking at local castles, comparing castles to our homes, learning about life in a castle

  • Making and tasting food from medieval times

  • Developing our writing skills by contributing to a recount about our family celebrations and Christmas

  • Contributing to an explanation text ‘What is a castle?’

  • Exploring the question “where in the world is China?” as part of our work on Chinee New Year

  • Participating in creative movement activities to create our own dragon and lion dances

  • Investigating which musical instruments we enjoy listening to, using instruments independently

  • Learning Welsh vocabulary and phrases to support us in asking and answering questions about homes and colours

  • Familiarising ourselves with simple French phrases to ask and answer the question “How old are you?”

  • Exploring and developing our recognition and use of 2D and 3D shapes in our play activities

  • Collecting, sorting and presenting data for our RSPB Big Bird Watch. Recording data using JiT data and JiT pictogram

  • Using Stop Motion Animation to create a castle story

  • Investigating the concept of friction caused by different surface materials in our Science Investigation – How far will the dragon travel?

  • Using JiT animate to crate a scene from the Chinese New Year race

  • Creating snake and dragon art work

  • Using the 2Create app to draw and describe our own castles.

  • Create a piece of castle themed art based on the style of Helen Elliott.

  • Exploring our outdoor area to complete focused tasks – panda habitats, number hunts, texture hunts, bird baths and bird feeders, outdoor construction work, using our Cross-Curricular Orienteering markers.

PE Sessions

PE will take place on a Wednesday. Please could you ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school i.e. tshirt, joggers and trainers. Pupils will not be permitted to change into their kit in school.

Reading Books

We will send Read, Write Inc sound cards, word flashcards and/or a reading book home with your child. Please return their flashcards/book once you have practised them with your child. This will enable us to monitor progress and assess when your child is ready to learn new sounds or change their reading book. Thank you for your cooperation.

Snack Time/Amser Snac

The cost of a daily snack per week is £1. This can be paid weekly or termly. This half term the cost is £7. The cost for the full term is £13. We use any money raised (following the purchase of snacks) to purchase resources for our class such as baking/decorating items, craft resources or new activities for the children. Snack Time is a very important part of our daily routine, it supports social skills, numeracy development and enables our learners to take on the roles of ‘Weekly Helpers’.

We intend to spend lots of time working in our outdoor learning environment. If you would like your child to change their footwear then please send in a pair of wellies in a bag clearly labelled with your child’s name. These wellies can remain on your child’s peg. In the event of hot weather, could pupils please bring a sunhat in to school. Suncream should be applied at home prior to the pupils coming in to school.

Many thanks for your support. We are looking forward to a fun term 😊.

Miss Singleton and Mrs Littler

Spring 2025
Castle Chronicles
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