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Year 4/5 
Blwyddyn 4/5

Welcome to our Class Page!
Croeso i'n Tudalen Dosbarth!


Autumn Term 2024

Tymor Hydref 2024

During the Autumn term Blwyddyn 4/5 will be studying the following topic:


Language, Literacy and Communication - Mathematics and Numeracy

Learners will be studying fairgrounds galore! They will look at the history of fairgrounds and how they have developed over the years. Research will be carried out to see what types of rides and rollercoasters are found in fairgrounds. Learners will create presentations about fairgrounds around the world and deliver this to their peers. Fairground data will be collected and collated to create their own Fairground Top Trumps game. To capture the excitement of riding a rollercoaster, learners will write poems and create adverts. They will create their own fairgrounds in Minecraft. To end the topic, learners will design and make their own fairground recipes and taste their delicious foods.


Learners will develop their investigation skills through carrying out the following investigations:

-What do pulleys do?

-How high do you have to drop a marble for it to loop the loop?


Learners class novel is ‘Jinks and O'Hare Funfair Repair' by Phillip Reeve.


Help your child prepare for their project:

-Visit your local library to find information on fairgrounds in Wales, the UK and around the world. How are they similar/different? Which are the most popular rides?

-Look at your child's favourite toys with moving parts. How do they work?

-Research Walt Disney's successful theme parks. Where in the world are they?


Further Information



Reading should be carried out as often as possible.

Mental Math will be set once a week - on a Monday and to be returned by Friday ready to mark and discuss in class.

English/Maths/Topic homework will be set on a Monday to be returned the following Monday. If there are any problems with the homework then please see Miss Fallon before the due date.

Times tables should be revised on a regular basis.


Reading Books

Reading books and reading records are to brought to school daily.


PE will take place every Thursday. Learners are asked to arrive to school wearing their PE clothes. 


Thank you once again for all your continued support. 

Diolch yn fawr.

Miss Fallon, Mr Culpin and Mrs Morgans

National Tests Support

Year 4




Have a look at our Spring Term newsletter!

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